Wednesday, January 18, 2006

try agin, macky. hit signle!!@#!!

hi fans.

last nihgt i wrotted new song. i think this is top musics for our time.

ready gutiars!!!

(strum like neever before. loud. strum fast as posioble)

hey you music guys
it time for song
reech for the skys

ready guitarss!

you on drum, bang you sticks
it tiem for rock
do it for kiks

reade drumms!

hey guy who will song it
you know what do
you vocie will do it

do what you do.
(all nite - whipser this part)

ready gutiar!
ready drum!
ready songer!
readdy other guitar man!

(here guitar an drumms and other gutiar guy play as one. musci so good it make waste go in pant legg)

rokc guitar!

(if extar gutiar around, smack on floor to break)

this is how macky band rokc the place

ready gutiar
ready the drumms
rock. rock. rock. rock.

and the roll.

(drum stop. all musics stop)

2005 macky mussics

how do you like new song! need start band. soon.

new hitt signle!!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

ohhhh.... so sick.

grettings macky fan!!!@

sorry for long time no words. macky got teh sicks. bad. i talk abot real bad!!!

direah, throw up, moer dirreha. it enough to make put down gutiar for almost 1 week.

but, macky is back. still sick, but no more toilit time. it seem to pass for now. at one time, my brothre jocky offer to kill macky to end sick. ha ha ah ha!!#$!! loll!!! but no. now is not the time for the die. with so many song to guaitar, no good for the die.

kahty update!@!!

kahty buy new dress. top vaule for small prices. see the sexness!

bill bob is lucyk guy. she could make alll macky dream come true.

got go. there is song somwhere.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

happ new year USA!

ha ha. it is new yera where kahty and bill bob thornon live. but in china, it still not new.

we have happ y new year on januuairy 29. year of dog. i hop this year have lot of happy times. i like the time that is happy. time that sad, macky isnt' like!!!! lol''!

  • sometiem i song about god time, bad time. lasst time, the sads were songd. much happy now!!!@

i have many fan of macky muscics. thank for all email. i try and song abot everrybodys!!!

want send email too? i read all and wirite balck!!!

ok. that is good for nows. need to read WAVELENTGH an read about ha ppy kahty and bill bobo thonrnons.